ATEK PRECISION MACHINING is rated 3 out of 5 in the category oil & energy. Read and write reviews about ATEK PRECISION MACHINING. We serve you with the excellence that we want to see from our suppliers. Our specialties are machining and custom cylinder manufacturing. We are proud of the years of experience under our belt serving the Oil and Gas Industry across the great USA and Canada. Some of the parts we have machined are: Tension Packers Arrowset Packers HydroSet Packers Retrieveable Bridge Plugs (WR/CW) T2 Stingers Landing Nipples Crossovers Tubing Anchor Catchers Profile Nipples We have experience building custom cylinders ranging from; 1'' bore to 9'' bore; 1'' Stroke to 65'' stroke with pressure ratings as per your requirements.
Company size
11-50 employees
Cuauhtemoc , Chihuahua